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8, Magazine B Ordnance Yard, Lower Upnor, Kent, ME2 4UY

When to Reach Out to a Professional for Boiler Servicing
in Medway or the West Malling Area

All engineers and boiler manufacturers agree that your boiler needs regular servicing. That said, not all homeowners understand what this means or how often they must call in a professional. Follow our advice below to gain a better understanding of the best timeframes, and discover the importance of boiler servicing for your property in West Malling or the Medway area.

Reasons for Boiler Servicing

A faulty boiler will leave you with a lack of hot water in the home and may lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. Unfortunately, this gas poses a very real threat even today, with boiler malfunctions causing over a quarter of deaths relating to carbon monoxide between 1995 and 2019. Boiler servicing ensures your installation runs safely, allowing you to enjoy warm conditions without the risk of health issues.

A service allows your engineer to carefully peruse the system and note down issues that may affect its energy efficiency. When repaired, you can end up spending less on your energy bills.

When to Call a Professional Engineer

A boiler in West Malling, Medway or the nearby areas could fail at the worst time, such as in the winter s due to increased strain. While you should feel free to use your boiler as often and as you like, boiler servicing is a vital part of ownership that prevents problems before they cause a breakdown.

Service Each Year – The most crucial rule is to call for a service annually. Yearly visits satisfy manufacturer warranties, your home insurance company and keep your family safe. Make sure you only call an engineer on the Gas Safe register to inspect the system. They have the skills to spot a problem, check the flue and provide landlord certificates as needed.

During the Summer – Why risk a catastrophic breakdown when the temperature falls? Instead of crossing your fingers in the autumn and winter, call for servicing during the warmer seasons. Not only will your preferred engineers be less busy overall, but they can also resolve any damage with minimal impact due to the increased temperatures.

When You Suspect an Issue – It’s only natural to spend more on heating on colder days, but if your fuel bills continue to skyrocket, it may be due to an unseen problem. A yellow pilot light, loss of power, drop in pressure and strange smell indicate that your boiler needs immediate care. If you live in West Malling or Medway and these sound familiar, we can carry out the boiler servicing and repairs you need.

Even When There’s No Problem – An annual service counts as preventative maintenance and can make a big difference to both your safety and your wallet. Worn parts won’t always make themselves immediately known, so it’s always best to stick with the annual service even when you think your boiler remains in prime condition.

NDC Plumbing & Heating will assess the boiler with an eye for detail, meaning less fuss and a longer lifespan for your existing system.

Please call 01634 968107 for boiler servicing in West Malling, Medway and Kent from members of the Gas Safe register.

01634 968107

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8, Magazine B, Ordnance Yard, Lower Upnor, Kent, ME2 4UY

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Telephone 01634 968107